Gottman’s Couple’s Therapy is a couple’s therapy method, developed and proven by Prof. John Gottman’s scientific research methods. Gottman’s Couple’s Therapy is a structured therapy and presents an eclectic form in its body consisting of various therapy approaches.
-It is an emotionally focused approach concentrating on the emotions that both partners bring to the session, aiming at establishing emotional repair and positive feeling formation.
-It is a behavioral approach, since it focuses on noticing the behavior/attitude patterns in the relationship and changing them.
-It is an approach to discover the meaning of mutual understanding in a relationship, sourcing from the differences in existence.
-It is a cognitive approach, focusing on the thoughts of the couples, about their relationships related to the emotions in a relationship.
-Although it is a couple’s therapy, it is also a narrative approach because it focuses on the partner’s personal past, relationship history, and the stories told by them.
-Since it sees the structure of the relationship and the couple as a system, it is a systematic approach too.
-It is a psychodynamic approach which gives importance to the analyses of the effects of early period and past experiences (like family and relationship etc) on today.
The goal in Gottman’s Couple Therapy is to gain the ability to conduct conflict management abilities of the couples, rather than solving the conflicts. Developing skills for conflicts, friendship and abilities for intimacy and creating mutual meanings are the main objectives.
The therapy period which begins with the evaluation period, continues, with the structure of the relationship and its objective. It consists of many techniques, in order to evaluate every stage of the strong relationship at home, and interfere if necessary.